One of my dear friends sent me this message a couple days ago and I just now read it. I find it touching because I empathize with it so much (hatehatehate driving).
12:15 PM 1/18 random **** truth: i didn't get my driver's license until last january. i never drove in high school, took the bus. never drove in college, got rides. i had renewed by permit like 3 times lol. when i was like 20 with my permit i would drive occasionally to get used to it, that was when i had the near car accident that shell-shocked me. i would shake and sweat whenever i thought about driving again after that for a number of years. when i joined the navy i didn't need the license so i just never worried about it. i got teased about it a lot from the guys in the navy, i never bothered me much though, which is why i never told them when i finally did get my license lol.
12:25 PM 1/18 randon **** truth (cont): when i picked you up that first time, when we went shopping at southcenter, that was my 2nd full time driving since i had gotten my license, and my first real time driving my new car. recall that i didn't test drive it before i bought it lol. but that probably explains to you why i had avoided the freeway and was freakishly nervous driving through downtown traffic. and probably tells you why i had avoided parallel parking, i had only done it once ever, in the drivers test. i do regret not at least trying to do park in your neighborhood, for you. i was a new nervous driver, you were my passenger for like my first 5 drives lol. i'm surprised now how much more comfortable i've become, driving here and there, in the snow and rain, day or night.